keskiviikkona, huhtikuuta 18, 2007

Does this make any sense?

Did you just find your way here from Disappointed for it's written in Finnish? Well, don't.. there's nothing happening at the moment :D. My son, who's just about eight months, keeps me busy with all the basic things you can imagine: feeding him, playing, long walks with the strollers (is this really the word even..) outside - getting a LITTLE BORED with the same streets everyday and I have also lost my ipod somewhere, reading, singing, trying to get him for his naps (well, again something that may not make any sense... sorry for the lacking language skills), changing diapers/ nappies (see, I know more than one word for this thing!), washing clothes and nappies (or whatever they are called)... Well, this was though a desperate try to communicate something... :D. Maybe more to come.